Monday, March 11, 2013

Teen Library Council Review: Goodreads App

App: Goodreads

Cost: Free

Devices it works on: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Nook, Android, Kindle Fire

Review by: Karina Destine, Teen Library Council Member

I use this app like a book log. On your account (an account must be made in order to use the app), you can categorize the books you read into shelves. These shelves can display the books you have read, the books you want to read, the books you own, the books you are currently reading, etc (the possibilities are endless!) Along with sorting your books, you can find and like your favorite book, related quotes, and become a fan of your favorite authors.
Some interesting things about the app (I couldn’t pick just one) is that if you find a book you are really interested in/want to add to a list, the app allows you to find the book by just scanning the barcode with your device. Just hover the camera part over the code and the app can recognize what the book is. You can also post updates on your progress in books (as in the page number you are on.) Best of all, you can download free eBooks to read on the go from the app.
The only glitch I’ve found only happens when you try to link your Goodreads account to your Facebook. The posts you create from your Goodreads account sometimes don’t transfer over to your Facebook account.
I would recommend the app to all avid readers of any age.
Goodreads is pretty much the book version of Facebook. I suppose that would make it a bookbook?
-Karina Destine