Thursday, March 7, 2013

Teen Summer Reading Logo contest - look at the great entries!

An entry in the Teen Summer Reading Logo contest.  Check out all 25 finalists here.
As many of you know, every winter Washington County libraries hold a teen art contest to find the logo for the upcoming Teen Summer Reading Program.  The way it works is that teens submit their art to any Washington County Library and Teen Library Councils from all of the libraries vote to select the winning entry, which becomes the logo for the upcoming summer.  It is always exciting to see the fantastic entries that Washington County teens create and submit.  And for this year, for the first time, you can view the finalists during the voting period.  Check out the 25 finalists here.  The winner will be announced on Friday, March 15th.  We'll post the winner on our Facebook page, so check there on March 15th!