Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Teen Library Council Book Review - Thrice Upon a Marigold

Thrice Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris (2013)

Review by Karina D.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has a love of witty puns or whimsical tales. Fans of the first two books (Once and Twice Upon a Marigold) will not be disappointed because the author introduces brand new characters that add a whole new perspective to the tale. Even if you have not read the first two books, Jean Ferris eases you into the story so that you are not disoriented by the turn of events. What I loved most about this book is that it ends where Once upon a Marigold begins and ties together everything nicely. Thrice Upon a Marigold is an incredibly cute tale for all ages and contains a valuable lesson/morale to be learned.

Because of the break in years between the publications of each book, this one felt truly nostalgia and enveloped me in warm fuzzy feels.  Also, The author is a complete sweetheart! If you have any questions about her books, she has a spot set up on her website (http://www.jeanferris.com/) for you to email her. She replied back to me the very next day answering my question.

Favorite quotes:

·        Just bring your wits. Sometimes that’s the most effective weapon any of us has. (64)

·        “Here’s what I say ─ when you don’t know or can’t know the answer to a question, why not believe the answer you like best? It’s as valid as any of the others ─ and it might be right.” (82)