Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Oregon Battle of the Books Registration is now open!

Got OBOB teams?  We've got books & book clubs!

  • Team registration opened Sept. 1st and goes through November 15th.  Find details on the OBOB website.  
  • At the Beaverton City Library, we have special sections in the Children's and Teen areas with OBOB titles.  Some of the titles are in very high demand, so please encourage your students to place holds early!  

We also have several book clubs discussing OBOB titles:

  • Grades 3-5 - register & get books at the Children's Desk
    • OBOB Book Club for grades 3-5.  Meets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 4-5pm in the Storytime Room.  
  • Grades 5-12 - no registration required, get books at the Teen Desk, pizza included at meeting
    • Tween Book Club for grades 5-8 Meets 1st Wednesday of the month. (we don't always discuss OBOB titles, it depends on what the participants choose) On Nov. 6th from 4-5pm, we'll be discussing Magyk by Angie Sage.
    • High School Book Club for grades 9-12 Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month. (Again we won't always discuss OBOB titles) BUT, for the first meeting on Sept. 18th from 4-5pm, we're discussing The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.