Friday, October 4, 2013

November - December Teen Scene

The November - December edition of the BCL's 'Teen Scene' events calendar is now up! Download is in PDF format here. Please e-mail Ian at if you would like a PDF copy with the Beaverton School District disclaimer to distribute to your students. We have some great big events coming up in the next two months that we're extremely excited about!

  • The Eleventh Annual Teen Art Show - The Beaverton City Library presents the Eleventh Annual Teen Art Show. We are accepting art submissions in the teen room during library hours on November 9th, 10th and 12th.  The community is invited to the opening gala with refreshments on November 14 at 3:30 PM. The show will remain open to the general public until 9:00 PM that evening and will reopen Friday, November 15 through Sunday, November 17 during regular library hours.  There will be a viewer's choice prize – every visitor can vote on their favorite piece.  The winner by popular vote will earn a $100 gift card to Blick Art Materials. NaNoWriMo Write Your Novel Here!  See  for details.
    Open to the general public. Submissions for grades 6-12 only.
  • Teen Winter Reading Program - Saturday, December 21st - Saturday, January 4th
    Teens are invited to review the books they read over winter break!  Each review they submit at the library or on our Web page enters them in drawings for gift cards to area businesses.
  • High School Book Club - The high school book club is now meeting on the third Thursdays of each month from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. The new dates are November 21 and December 19.