Saturday, October 17, 2009

Letters About Literature 2009 - 2010

The December 12 deadline for the state / national Letters about Literature contest is fast approaching!

Letters About Literature helps readers engage with their favorite books and authors by encouraging them to draft a letter to a writer of their choice, living or deceased, discussing how that person's books have changed their life. The contest has three competition levels - Grades 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12, with one winner selected by the state at each level, whose entries are then judged in the national finals. National winners can receive $500 Target gift cards, and their schools or community library a reading grant of $10,000! The prizes for runners-up at both the state and national levels are excellent, as well.

For further information on the competition, including a teachers guide and promotional materials, visit the Oregon Letters About Literature site. Winners will be announced in April! previous winners can be read at the official site, linked above.