Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Remembering 9/11 in the classroom

How is your class marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11? The August issue of School Library Journal has a great article about teaching and remembering 9/11 ten years later. It also offers an excellent list of primary resources that can help you share the immediacy of this now historic event with your students.

And, you can access full-text articles from SLJ using the database Information Science and Technology Collection, which is available for free with your Washington County Cooperative Library card!

Here's how.
The article is called "Not Fade Away: Ten Years After 9/11, How Do You Teach Kids About a Tragedy They Can't Remember?" (SLJ, August 2011). Click here to get to the full-text:

You can also click to the article by starting at:, selecting Information Science and Technology Collection and searching by journal or title from there. Depending on your connection, you may need to have your WCCLS library card number and password handy.