Friday, September 26, 2014

Seeking the Great Perhaps!

Thank you for responding to the survey! We understand that it can be difficult to check the blog with everything else going on, but that you do enjoy receiving interesting information from the Beaverton City Library in your inbox. Therefore we have decided to discontinue the blog in favor of a revamped mailing list.

The new list is called 'Seeking the Great Perhaps;' the title is inspired by the main character in John Green's Looking for Alaska, whose goal is to find the 'great perhaps.' With the new list, we aim for 'the great perhaps' with an expanded scope that will include library news as well as short book reviews and other things that relate to teens and tweens locally. The e-mails will be brief and sent on a monthly basis.

How to subscribe:
If you were already signed up for the "Teendom, Tweendom Blog Updates" mailing list, you are signed up for the new list! New subscribers can sign up at

Thank you for all of your support of the Beaverton City Library's services for teens & tweens in our community!

The Beaverton City Library's Social Media Presence:
