Saturday, September 21, 2013

New Professional Book - Integrating Young Adult Literature Through the Common Core Standards

I just placed an interlibrary loan for an interesting new book at the Oregon State Library. I know that teachers and librarians alike fear fiction and creative writing might fall by the wayside with the adoption of Common Core. I'm eager to see some of the suggestions the authors offer here.

Wadham, Rachel L., and Jonathan W. Ostenson. Integrating Young Adult Literature through the Common Core Standards. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-61069-118-5

This book advocates for a stronger role for young-adult literature in ELA classrooms, compellingly documenting how this body of work meets both the needs of adolescent students and the demands of the common core for complex texts and tasks. The first part of the book addresses the widely adopted common core state standards by examining...