Friday, September 27, 2013

Substance Abuse Recovery Presentations Series

Throughout the fall, the Beaverton City Library is hosting a free Film & Speaker Series title "Prevention" geared toward recognizing a new recovery advocacy & support movement.
The October 8 event specifically deals with substance abuse prevention among teens:

"Almost all addicts started using as teens. Take some time to talk with local experts about substance use. Washington County's Addiction Services, Beaverton Police and Washington County's Sherrif's prevention experts join the drug and alcohol prevention organizations Beaverton Together and CFAR to present what's happening in Washington County, including trends, statistics and prevention efforts.
What are factors that cause teens to use? What deters teen substance use? What effects does addiction have on the local court system?
New prevention best practices, resources, and personal stories will be shared. This talk is aimed at teachers, counselors, school administrators, coaches and anyone who serves youth."

The presentation is free at the library on Tuesday, October 8, 6 - 8 p.m. in Meeting Room B.