Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Teen Summer Reading visits

I know, I know: it's only April and you can't believe that we're talking about the Teen Summer Reading Program [TSRP] already! The truth is that we've been hard at work on it for the last few months, and it's finally time to let the excitement leak out. After all, we only have one more month until it begins on June 1st!

This means that it is time to schedule TSRP visits. Our young adult librarians (Ian & Courtney) would love to visit your classroom or school to share the sheer awesomeness of summer reading! This is a chance to get students hooked into a self-directed program that encourages them to read for pleasure during school break (and they can get prizes too!). Last year our program served almost 1500 students. Help us connect with at least as many 6th-12th grade students this year!

To schedule a visit to your classroom or to bring your class to visit us at the library, give us a call at the Young Adult Desk for information: 503-350-4001. We look forward to hearing from you!