Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sneak preview...

If you've been teaching in the Beaverton area for a while, you probably know that we hold two writing contests each year. There is a short story contest every fall and a poetry contest every spring. The question is... what should you expect for this fall's contest?

Throughout the month of November, we'll be holding a 55 Fiction contest. Middle and high school students are invited to submit up to 4 stories between Nov. 1-30 that are exactly 55 words in length. These stories must include elements of setting, character(s), conflict, and resolution. There will be first, second, and third place prizes awarded in each age category: grades 6-8 and grades 9-12.

We'll be sending the submission forms to local schools, as well as posting a PDF copy to our library website, when the contest begins. Start thinking now about how your class(es) or student(s) can incorporate the exercise into their November curriculum!