Saturday, February 18, 2012

Teens & E-Books

The New York Times recently ran an article reporting on the growth of eBooks use among children, tweens, and tweens. On the flipside, Publishers Weekly reports that teens are still reluctant when it comes to eBooks and eReaders (this article requires a subscription to PW, but you can get the idea of it from the blurb on the page) even though digital book sales are taking off. As a librarian, my experience tends more towards the PW article, although at one of our eReader workshops I did help one eager teen who had just gotten a Nook (Barnes and Noble) for Christmas. On Thursday, April 19, we'll be doing a drop-in program called eReading and YOU from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the teen room. Teens are encouraged to bring their devices so that we can show them how to check out free eBooks from the library.