Saturday, November 7, 2009

November Fan Fiction Contest!

The BCL fan fiction creative writing contest for November has started! We're challenging teens and 'tweens in grades 6-12 to craft an original, creative 2-7 page piece of writing using characters or settings from another author's work! The stories can be wild mash-ups of characters from different books or serious continuations of a favorite work or series! Anything is possible, the only stipulation being that no sentences or passages may be lifted from the original work. As in our previous creative writing contests, stories will be judged in two seperate categories: grades 6-8 and grades 9-12. The prizes in each category are:

1st Place - $30 in Powell's gift cards
2nd Place - $20 in Powell's gift cards
3rd Place - $10 in Powell's gift cards

You can obtain a printable rules / entry form sheet in PDF format here. Hard copies will be in the mail to area writing teachers this week!